Tuesday, October 12, 2010

What if you could do it better?

The only real failure in life is not to be true to the best one knows.

A common theme for me over the last few weeks has been "what if you could do it better?" This came to me after a networking meeting here in Regina, and what I noticed while I was speaking were words like: transformation, catalyst, change; while speaking about my business. These are big scary words, and a lot of the people I spoke to saw the benefits of what I was offering, but for someone else. 

This got me thinking that big scary words are not very attractive because they make us 'wrong' in our ways of being. That doesn't sound very safe, and it's definitely not what I want for my potential clients and students. What I do want, is for people to get thinking about 'what if you could do it better?' This is a very general question that applies to every area of importance to everyone's life. What if you could do your life better? What if your whole life is really the one you made it, and in 30 years you could look back on it with pride and satisfaction because you really lived and loved the heck out of it? What if you could start today?

We did not just 'end up' where we are in our lives. We are currently where we are because of the choices we've made and the steps we've taken, and your life might be really good, but what if you could make it better? Many of us spend a great deal of time on education and training for our work, but no one is going to remember you for being good at your job, they will remember you for how you lived your life, and that could be over tomorrow.

We all live our lives as though we will live forever, yet are paralyzed by the fear of dying, so we do nothing. We live complacently in an illusion that we have all the time in the world to do and say the things we always intended to but never quite get around to. What if you knew that you only had one month left to live? What would you do? Who would you call? Why are you waiting?

Perhaps it just takes a reminder, 'what if you could do it better?' to shift your neutral gear into one that ignites your whole life!

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