Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Love the life you're in

Do you ever wonder what you're life could have been or still could be if things were different? You know, like, say if you won a million dollars or were born into a different family situation or had the freedom to do anything you wanted? I think most of us have the 'my life would be perfect if only if (fill in the blank) was different. The problem with that statement is it leaves us feeling powerless. There is no sense of personal empowerment or direction in that statement, it is in fact a power-sucker.

My personal beliefs are to accept everything as it is, and see the opportunity in every situation. However, this does not mean that I accept everything and do nothing. Accepting things as they are allows me to see reality for what it is so that I have clear judgment about how to proceed next. Wishing things were different is the opposite of this belief. Wishing, is not accepting things for how they are and then doing nothing about it.

We all have our own pretty patterned and colourful baggage that we cart around, and usually it's quite heavy. However, it's not the baggage that keeps us stuck it's what we choose to do despite the baggage. How you live your life is still ultimately your choice. You can choose to be the victim of your reactive (we all have some, it's ok you're human) behavior and history. Or, you might choose something different.

I find it amazing to hear people's responses when I ask them 'what would be different if you won a million dollars?' Most people see freedom and happiness in that vision. My next question is, 'why can't you have that now?'. My belief is that money isn't the answer, sometimes it might feel that way, but in the end all any of us want is to be happy and to make our loved ones happy. You can do that today. Right now. If you're waiting for a lottery to finally start writing your book, go back to school, do what you really love, you might as well let that dream go because it will never happen. If this is really something you want to do you would find a way to start now, because even if you had the money, if you haven't started by now, you probably won't start then either.

You don't need to start writing your book, or whatever you've been putting off, but you can start being more accepting of the way things already are in your life and realize that happiness isn't going to happen once something else changes. Santosha, or contentment isn't about finding happiness at the end of the road, it's about being present with your life and loving it anyways. The good news is that nothing needs to change for you to finally be happy. Happiness is already here. In every breath, every moment, all the time. It is built into you. All you have to do is slow down enough to see the miracle and the beauty of this life. Your life. And if you still want to write a book, don't wait. Do it today.

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